Your Story Isn't Over ;
"Have Faith That You're Not Alone, Have Faith That You're Not On You're Own"
Who We Are
Partnering to build a world where all human beings feel safe and loved in their own skin and awareness to those who love them.
Suicide has become a plague among the world claiming millions of lives every year. Victims aren’t taken serious when they reach out for help or we don’t see the signs leading up to the tragic event. Let’s raise more awareness to decrease, if not eliminate, the suicide rate. Lets start saving lives.
Best Friends through lock up, Stephanie and Nicole built this organization inspired by their own tragic experiences and struggles with suicide. Now they aspire to share their stories in hope to help others.
Impact Stories
A Brighter Future —Stephanie's Triumph Over Suicide
My name is Stephanie and I’m a survivor of suicide. I fell into depression when I was 13 years old which led to self harm. My first suicide attempt was at 15 years old and then at 25, after my dad passed away, I attempted and actually flat-lined 3 times in one month. However, suicide ideation never went away. I fantasized about it and continued to self harm well into my mid 30s. I spent so many years of my life feeling so alone, worthless, as if the world would be happier if I ceased to exist. I wrote suicide notes and kept them on me “just in case”, waiting for the right time. I’ve had the people I loved the most in the world tell me kill myself.